
Experimental Operating Theatre & Simulation Room

The Experimental Operating Theatre and connected Simulation Room form a translational research platform where clinicians and researchers collaborate to improve future patient therapy. The operating theatre offers a realistic surgical setting with cutting-edge equipment for the development of innovative surgical concepts and methods. Data from devices and technologies can be utilized for the design of novel context-aware assistance systems for surgical procedures and surgical training. 

Our platform offers:

  • a fully equipped integrated operating theatre for preclinical studies
  • a powerful digital infrastructure which yields a wealth of data to optimise surgical therapies  
  • top-tier medical equipment available to all NCT/UCC members for approved research purposes

Our focus is the development of novel robotic and image-guided surgical methods with the following equipment available for research projects:

  • robotic assistance for minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci® Xi surgical system
  • 3D endoscopic imaging 
  • intraoperative image guidance by CT, ultrasound, surgical microscope 
  • computer-assisted navigation for surgery of inner organs (e.g. liver)


Platform Directors

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Speidel
Department of Translational Surgical Oncology
NCT/UCC Dresden

Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Weitz
Department of Gastrointestinal, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden


ExOP, NCT/UCC Dresden