Clinical trials
Consequently, patient-oriented clinical trials are essential for the further development of existing cancer therapies and the introduction of new therapies.
In cooperation with the Coordination Center for Clinical Studies Dresden (KKS), the National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC) has dedicated itself to promoting the initiation and implementation of interdisciplinary, translational and clinical trials in the field of oncology.
In order to make innovative research results available to patients with cancer as quickly as possible, it is important that the necessary clinical trials are implemented quickly. In addition to other factors, the successful recruitment of suitable patients is often of great importance.
If you would like one of your patients to be screened for possible inclusion in a trial, please use the following >>form.
The NCT/UCC specializes in conducting early clinical trials and has dedicated unit for this purpose: Early Clinical Trial Unit. If you would like to find ou whether one of your patients can be considered an early clinical trial, please contact us >>>here.