
Oncological Outcome and health-services research

Outcome and health-services research are increasingly coming into focus in the field of medicine. With demographic changes and advances in medical and technological fields, the proportion of people seeking complex, high level medical care is on the rise. There is a high demand for patient-centered, scientifically grounded care concepts that are developed on a solid data basis, whose adequacy and benefits are validly evaluated, and that need to be implemented accurately in routine medical practice. A cross-professional and cross-sectoral approach is indispensable in this regard.

Thus, the overarching goal of the research structure “Oncological Outcome and health-services research” is to improve the quality of care and to implement concepts for the individual, evidence-based care of patients with cancer. This involves the translation of clinical insights into routine oncology care and the implementation of scientific evidence into everyday care. The team is working on solutions for the electronic collection of patient-reported outcomes for immediate use by the treatment team, as well as the systematic integration of these applications into everyday care. Furthermore, the focus is on establishing and maintaining patient cohorts with comprehensive information for cancer care, patient-reported outcomes and follow-up of tumor patients. The statutory health insurance routine data, the clinical cancer registry data and their planned linkage with the aforementioned data will form a central and valuable resource for this purpose. A central role in assessing care needs is also played by the critical analysis of service utilization, indications, care pathways, and the quality of care.


Aims und Purpose

  • Enhancing cutting-edge research in oncological health-services and outcome research.
  • Central point of contact for oncological health-services and outcome research at NCT/UCC Dresden (locally, regionally, and nationally).
  • Provision of high-quality, care-related data and outcome data for translational and clinical research.
  • Infrastructure for embedding scientific projects like intervention studies, open-label extensions (OLEs) and Patient-Reported-Outcomes Research.
  • Expertise and gathering of patient-reported outcomes as a central connecting element of both Core Units.
  • Integration with other CCCs (Comprehensive Cancer Centers) and NCT (National Center for Tumor Diseases) locations for care and outcome research.

The research structure currently consists of two core units that represent central elements of oncological outcome and health services research.

Core Unit "Registry Studies Platform and Care-Related Data"

  • A comprehensive retrospective and prospective data collection according to published ICHOM standard sets for oncological diseases supports translational research and embedding clinical studies.

Core Unit „Patient-Reported Outcomes“

  • In close cooperation with the clinical disciplines and the technical departments we develop solutions for the implementation of PROs in clinical practice. Current research focuses on the development and validation of questionnaires and the use of PROs to identify vulnerable groups.

Speaker of the research structure: Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmitt

Core Unit "Registry Studies Platform and Care-Related Data": PD Dr. Olaf Schoffer / Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmitt

Core Unit "Patient Reported Outcomes": Dr. Martin Eichler