NCT/UCC Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit

NCT/UCC Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit

Technical development and advances in clinical understanding in many disciplines have led to new opportunities in personalized medicine. The time sensitive identification of individual tumor profiles enables stratification of patients for optimal oncological, surgical and radiotherapeutic therapy approaches including novel immunotherapeutic or targeted treatment. To further improve patient stratification in precision oncology, an additional functional layer of information on top of molecular data is needed: the response of preclinical tumor models to treatments. These models faithfully recapitulate the phenotypical and molecular characteristics of their tissue of origin. This allows ranking of potentially effective drugs/treatment regimens according to their efficacy and gain novel insights into the functional relevance of novel alterations. It also allows the study of pathway specific alterations and their effects inside signaling or resistance networks, among the same or across different tissue entities.

To systematically establish patient derived pre-clinical models for functional testing, the Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit (PMU) was established as a central platform to expand and focus these efforts within a dedicated Unit at NCT/UCC Dresden. The main aim of the PMU is to generate well characterized personalized tumor models, conduct a dedicated drug library screen and provide them to researchers from the NCT as a basis for functional analysis and stratification of patients in precision oncology and preclinical research. The PMU bundles model generation expertise within a dedicated and partially automatized lab which perfectly synergizes with the existing platforms at the NCT/UCC Dresden.


Allocation of deeply characterized three-dimensional cell culture models from various cancer tissues as well as corresponding normal tissues.


  • Organoid/Spheroid cultivation
  • Drug screens
  • Histological characterization
  • Molecular characterization


Dr. Claudia Ball
Translational Medical Oncology
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Prof. Daniel Stange
Department of Visceral-, Thoracic- and Vascular Surgery
Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden

Scientific Coordination

Dr. Ivona Mateska
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
Phone: +49 (0)351 458-11382
E-Mail: ivona.mateska(at)

Dr. Julia Reinhardt
Functional Diagnostics
Phone: +49 (0)351 458-17910
E-Mail: julia.reinhardt(at)


Saskia Stegert
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Angela Sauer
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Caroline Rudolph
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Katja Thiele
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Masoud Koochak
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Haifa Parkar
Patient-derived Tumor Model Unit
National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden