
The National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC) is a joint institution of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, the Technische Universität Dresden with its Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. 

The operator of this website as one of the supporting institutions of the NCT/UCC Dresden is the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden.

University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden

University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden at the Technische Universität Dresden
Public-Law Institution of Saxony
Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden
Telefon +49 (0)351 458 0
Telefax +49 (0)351 458 4340
E-Mail: info(at)
DE 140 135 217

Authorized representatives:
Prof. Dr. med. D. Michael Albrecht (Spokesperson), Frank Ohi
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Holger Ostermeyer
Press and Public Relations
Tel: +49 (0)351 458 4162
Mail: pressestelle(at)


All contents (images, graphics, video and audio sequences in particular) are protected by copyright. „University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden“, as operator of this website, constantly endeavours to respect
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Photo credits


© Frank Blümler – slider picture new building

© André Wirsig - slider picture research

© Biermann-Jung Kommunikation & Film - slider picture movie

For patients

© Designed by Pressfoto / Freepik picture clinical studies

© Designed by Freepik picture patient advisory committee

© NCT/UCC André Wirsig - picture organ cancer centers, Radiation Therapy, Medication Therapy

© / - Social counseling

© Krebsinformationsdienst Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum/Tobias Schwerdt  - Cancer Information Service

For physicians

©  Designed by Pressfoto / Freepik picture clinical studies

© Doctor visit photo created by tirachardz - - Clinical Studies

© NCT/UCC André Wirsig picture honoring and certification


© / bakhtiarzein - DTMU - Header

© University Hospital Heidelberg/KIT - Main Research Areas - Content

© Tobias Schwerdt - NCT-Members of the German Cancer Research Center - Content

© KIT/University Hospital Heidelberg - Chair for Translational Surgical Oncology - Teaching

© LVL - Header BioBank Dresden

© André Wirsig - Header Preclinical Model Unit

© André Wirsig - Experimental Operating Theatre

©  André Wirsig Imaging Platform

© Uniklinikum Dresden/Marc Eisele - Header Mildred-Scheel Research College

© Designed by katemangostar / Freepik Header Outcome and health-services research

About NCT/UCC Dresden

© University Hospital Dresden/Thomas Albrecht - University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden - Header

© André Wirsig - Portrait Prof. Dr. Speidel

© André Wirsig - Portrait Prof. Dr. Glimm

© HZDR - Portrait Prof. Klaus Kopka

© University Hospital Dresden/Marc Eisele - Portrait Prof. Thomas

© ARTIS-Uli Deck - Patient Council, Portrait Karin Arndt

© - Newsroom Header

© Musik Foto erstellt von wavebreakmedia_micro - - Header Takte gegen Krebs

© / A-Digit, Makhnach_M, forest_strider - Takte gegen Krebs 2022

Prevention Center:

© - Header Prevention Center

© iStock-1135289130 - Offers for Patients 

© philippcherubim – - MotivA

Charity Run:

© Woman Foto erstellt von jcomp -

© Woman Foto erstellt von wayhomestudio -

Takte gegen Krebs

© designed by Freepik - Tickets

© remaining pictures: © NCT/UCC Philip Benjamin and © University Hospital Dresden

Exhibition: From shadow to light

Photos for all artworks, unless otherwise indicated: (c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Michael Kretzschmar

Photos artworks Michael Merkel (c) Michael Merkel

Videostills Julia Schmelzer (c) Julia Schmelzer

This measure is co-financed with tax revenues based on the budget agreed by the Saxon Landtag.