Organ Cancer Centers
In order to strengthen the interdisciplinary cooperation of oncological patients and to make the high-quality care visible to the public, the NCT/UCC Dresden was certified for the first time in April 2014 as an Oncological Center according to the requirements of the German Cancer Society.
The continuous planning, implementation, evaluation and improvement of the management system is carried out during the year by the steering committee as well as in quality circles and interdisciplinary meetings. An annual summary of the strategic goals, measures and results is provided for the Oncology Center, including the organ cancer centers, in an annual report.
Eleven organ cancer centers have been established at NCT/UCC Dresden. They are certified according to both the requirements of the German Cancer Society and DIN EN ISO 9001.
Certification as an organ cancer center is tied to various requirements. These include, for example:
- An organ cancer center must have a certain number of different medical specialists who have extensive experience and expertise in the treatment of a specific type of cancer.
- For each tumor entity, an interdisciplinary tumor board must be held at least once a week, in which specialists from the various disciplines (surgery, pathology, radiotherapy, radiology and hematology/oncology) must be represented.
- Offer of nutritional and socio-legal advice, psycho-oncological and palliative care.
- Proof of defined key indicators (number of operations per year, number of patients enrolled in studies, psychosocial care rate), which are determined by the German Cancer Society with set targets.
The requirements for the organ cancer centers are reviewed and evaluated by the certification bodies in annual audits.
Organ Cancer Centers at the National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC):
- Regional Breast Center Dresden
- Gynecological Cancer Center
- University Skin Tumor Center
- Visceral Oncology Center with the tumor entities intestine, stomach, liver, pancreas and esophagus
- Uro-oncology Center with the tumor entities prostate and kidney
- Neurooncology center
- Sarcoma center
- Pediatric Oncology Center
- Hematologic Neoplasia Center
- Head and Neck Tumor Center
- Center for familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer