For patients

Patient survey

To provide you, our patients, with the best possible care structure, we regularly assess our internal processes and structures. An important tool for continously improving our quallity of care is your feedback. Your feedback provides valuable insights that help us optimize our processes and enhance the quality of your treatment.

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Your information will be treated confidentially by us and will not be passed on to third parties.

Patient survey

The National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC) conducts a continuous patient survey. The aim of the survey is to learn about your satisfaction as a patient with your treatment and care at the NCT/UCC or your treating organcancer center. In addition to addressing your individual concerns through our central compliant management, a comprehensive satisfaction survey is particularly important to us, as it provides us with valuable insights for improving the quality of our treatment processes.

To take part in our survey, please click here or simply scan the QR code.

We would be delighted if you could take the time to give us an honest feedback.

The survey is anonymous and voluntary and cannot be traced back to you as an individual.