Clinical trials
If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, please contact your attending physician. They have an overview of current trials for your disease and will provide detailed information.
An overview of current clinical trials at NCT/UCC can be found >>>here
The NCT/UCC specializes in conducting early clinical trials and has a dedicated unit for this purpose: the Early Clinical Trial Unit. In early clinical trials, a drug is tested on patients for the first time. Early clinical trials are particularly suitable for patients with advanced diseases for whom no standard therapy is available.
If you would like to learn more about participating in an early clinical trial, please contact us >>>here
Questions and answers
Fundamentally, all patients can take part voluntarily in a clinical trial. However, not all trials are suitable for everyone. Since patient safety is paramount, inclusion and exclusion criteria are defined in every study protocol. These govern which patients are suitable for the trial. The type of cancer, the stage of the disease and the type and number of cancer therapies already untertaken play a role here. The patient's general physical health, laboratory parameters and previous illnesses are also important.
Before you take part in a trial, your physician will give you detailed information about the special features of the new drug, the course of study treatment and the potential risks. You will receive a detailed summary of all the information to take home so that you can read it at your own pace and discuss with your relatives and your family doctor. Once all remaining questions have been answered and you have decided to take part in the trial, you and your doctor need to sign the consent form.
A key advantage of taking part in a trial is that you can benefit from early access to new drugs, which may have a posotive impact on the course of your disease.
New and improved medicinal products always enter unknown territory and are accordingly associated with uncertainties. Your physician will inform you about known risks and monitor you carefully during the treatment so that possible side effects can be idendified and treated in a timely manner.
If you have decided that you no longer wish to participate in the trial, you can withdraw your consent at any time and without giving reasons. You will not face any disadvantages as a result.
Your study investigator will first hold a pre-treatment consultation with you and later a discharge interview. The investigator is responsible for your medical care and your safety during the trail. They will also carry out organizational and administrative tasks, for example liaising with your family doctor.
Study nurses are responsible for the nursing, administrative and organizational tasks involved in conducting clinical trials. They are important contact persons for all participants in a study.
Your data will be recorded in a patient file. This contains all relevant medical information collected in connection with your study treatment. The medical staff involved in the study are bound by professional secrecy. Your data will therefore not be passed on to uninvolved third parties. However, it is necessary to forward your data anonymously (without mentioning your name) to the trial sponsor for the purpose of evaluation.
Once you consent in writing to take part in the trial, you have the right to be informed in detail by your attending physician about everything relating to the study. Furthermore, as a study participant, you will be covered by clinical trials insurance. This insurance will cover you if you suffer any damage to your health as a result of the study medication. Moreover, as already mentioned, you can withdraw your consent to participate in the trial at any time. In the event of a serious adverse drug reaction, your attending physician must discontinue the study therapy. As a study participant, you also have the right to a second medical opinion at any time.
By signing the consent form, you agree to the planned treatment. In order to detect risks in the course of the disease at an early stage, it is necessary for you to attend regular treatment and check-up appointments. It is important that you inform your study physician about all changes to your health and any abnormalities. You should also inform your study physician if you are taking any other medication that is not part of the study. In the course of a clinical trial, you will often have to answer questionnaires in which you have to comment on your state of health or keep a medication diary.
For more information on trials, take a look at the trials page, send us an email or give us a call. All contact information can be found on the contact page.