Second opinion
By offering a second opinion, we give you the opportunity to find a therapy that is optimally suited to your needs. Obtaining a second opinion does not mean that further treatment has to take place at our clinic. You can also discuss the therapy recommendation with the doctors who have been treating you up to now.
To obtain a second opinion from our oncological center, please send us a request via our >>>online contact form and upload the following required documents:
- Signed declaration of consent for data protection
- Referral from your specialist or family doctor
- A copy of your insurance chip card with a covering letter regarding the specific question as a private patient
- All previous important findings on your illness, including:
- medical reports (inpatient and outpatient)
- histopathological reports, including reference histology if applicable
- surgery reports
- chemotherapy or drug-based tumor therapy administered to date, including the name of the drug and the period of administration
- current laboratory findings
- written imaging findings (initial and subsequent findings)
Please send us the associated imaging on CD by post to the following address:
Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen Dresden (NCT/UCC)
Portalgebäude Haus 31C, Sekretariat
Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden
Please note that we can only process your request after receiving a digital enquiry via our online contact form and all complete documents plus the imaging CD.
The findings will be submitted to the respective specialists. In most cases, the findings will be discussed at an interdisciplinary tumor board.
Once we have received the therapy recommendation, we will usually contact you within three weeks. Where appropriate, we will invite you for a personal consultation. You should be therefore be in a position to attend in person.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you find your optimal therapy pathways. You can reach Susan Voigt by phone on +49 (0)351 458 2529 or by email at zweitmeinung.nct-ucc(at)