Social Counseling

The social counseling service at the NCT/UCC offers patients professional help with personal and social problems, and so complements medical and nursing care.

The service includes:

— Information on socio-legal issues and support in dealing with government offices and authorities
— Information on rehabilitation measures, pensions, care benefits, assistance in financial emergencies, severely disabled ID card
— Support in applying for social benefits
— Advice on questions concerning professional reintegration
— Signposting to self-help groups
— Assistance in finding information and other contacts

The counseling sessions can be attended individually or with family members.


appointments can be made by

  • phone
  • e-mail


Stephanie Bonk

Dipl.-Sozialarbeiterin (FH)
Tel.: +49 (0)351 458 11451
Fax: +49 (0)351 458 83544
E-Mail: sozialdienst.nct-ucc(at)