Patient Café

An opportunity to chat to other oncology patients and their relatives

Cancer brings many changes to your daily life. Hospital stays, surgeries and other therapies can pose a serious challenge for you and your relatives. Talking to others can often help people cope better with these circumstances.

You and your family members are warmely invited by the Patient Council of NCT/UCC Dresden to our open and free patient café.

This is an oppurtunity to meet and talk to otherpatienst. At the same time, you will find out more about the work of the Patient Council, receive information about events in the oncological area, and about current trials and new therapy options. We regularly invite experts e.g. from social services, the Day Care Unit or from a research platform to answer your questions. This offer is aimed at patients who are still undergoing treatment, but also at those who have already completed their treatment.

2024 Meeting Dates 

April 8:

  • Robotics in Surgical Oncology (Dr. Johanna Kirchberg, Florian de Molière)

June 3:

  • Patient involvement: What is patient involvement? What does it mean to participate in a study? (Gereon Mänzel, Member of the Patient Council NCT/UCC Dresden)

September 2: 

  • What is a clinical trial? What is the advantage of participating? What does it mean to be a participant in a trial? (Dr. Raphael Teipel)
  • Networking with self-help organizations Leukämiehilfe Rhein-Main (G. Mänzel) and Leukemia and Lymphoma (B. Hauptmann)

December 2:

  • tbd

3.30 - 5 p.m.

Bistro NCT/UCC New Building, House 136

☎  0351 458-5572