University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden

Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden

With the degree courses Medical Care, Dental Care, Public Health and Medical Radiation Sciences, the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine offers a wide variety of subjects and disciplines. More than 2.500 students are currently enrolled in these subjects in Dresden.

Scientific teaching with emphasis on practical experience and interdisciplinary exchange is characteristic for the study of medicine in Dresden. At the Center for Medical Interprofessional Training (MITZ) students are educated in basic medical and communication skills. In small groups they can practice physician-patient-interaction, partially with actors. During internships, that are included in the university's curriculum, students come into contact with patients of the University Hospital very early as well. For the reformation of the study of medicine in Dresden, the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine was honored with the title "Reformfakultät" by the Donor's Association for German Science (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft).

In terms of research, the Faculty of Medicine focusses on metabolic, neurological and psychiatric diseases and oncology. Comprehensive particular interests within these focal points are degeneration and regeneration, imaging and technology development, immunology and inflammation as well as prevention and healthcare research.

The Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden places great value on international exchange. Employees from 73 nations work together here. Additionally, there are numerous collaborations with researchers and teams from around the world.

The innovative, patient-friendly teaching and the internationally visible cutting-edge research can be realized by the faculty only in close cooperation with the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus. The excellent scientific environment in Dresden and the numerous international cooperations are further essential factors for the positive development of university medicine in Dresden.

Technische Universität Dresden

The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the largest “Technische Universitäten” in Germany with about 36.000 enrolled students. It offers a broad variety of 125 degree courses at 14 faculties and covers a wide research spectrum. Besides engineering and natural sciences, the humanities, social sciences and medicine are part of the comprehensive university’s offer as well. In the fields of biomedicine, bioengineering, material sciences, information technology, microelectronics as well as energy and environment TU Dresden has a leading role in research throughout Germany and Europe.

Since 2012 TU Dresden is officially a “University of Excellence”. The core elements of its concept and now the lines of funding are the institutional strategy “The Synergetic University”, the Clusters of Excellence “Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden” (cfaed) and “Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden" (CRTD), and the graduate school “Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering” (DIGS-BB).