Review 2023

Artists and young cancer patients put on a charity concert called "Takte gegen Krebs" on May 2 at the St. Pauli Ruin with many musical surprises and moving moments. The concert, supported by Stiftung Hochschulmedizin, benefited a guide program at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT/UCC) that connects cancer patients. Around €16,000 was raised.

Under the motto "giving up is not an option", eight young patients gave insights into their wishes, plans and concerns through musical, dance and poetic contributions at the "Takte gegen Krebs" charity concert. Artists picked up on these ideas and combined them with their own contributions to create an exciting concert experience.

Musical nails and Telemann's Don Quixotte Suite, and touching sound recordings including patient statements ran a thread through the concert. At the beginning, all the patients on stage hammered nails into a board and then played music on them using violin bows, producing an unusual version of Pachelbel´s canon, which was continued by the musicians on their instruments. Musical director Henry Schneider produced a wonderful piece of music on the nail violin.

The gallop of Rosinante the donkey, which is part of the Telemann suite was maginfied in a exhilarating manner by Illia Bukharov´s tap dance. Gareth Lubbe´s overtone singing and Eberhard Manske´s laser harp provided unusual and fascinating auditory experiences. Charlotte Thiele (violin) and Friedrich Thiele (cello) played the Sarabande and Bourrée from the French Suite No. 5 by Johann Sebastian Bach in a delicate and stirring performance, while Robert Lucaciu created a relaxed jazz atmosphere on the double bass.

Patients delighted the audience with artistic contributions: Markus Drzymala with the song "Fan von dir" (Kraftklub), Lisa Köhler with a text she had written about her illness, Michelle Müller with a dance choreography and Arthur Kellermann with Greensleeves performed on the clarinet. Together with all the other young patients (Janne Kretzschmar, Willi Meißner, Julia Köhler, and Jasmin Thieme), they lshared their wishes, thoughts and contagious zest for life with the audience.
During the grand finale, all the artists and patients moved through the St. Pauli Ruine theatre playing music and dancing to the last movement of  the Telemann suite, while the laser harp sent its rays into the sky.

Guide program for young people with cancer

The charity concert will benefit a guide program at the NCT/UCC to connect young cancer patients. It is often difficult for young people to meet patients of their own age. One reason for this is the division into pediatric and adult medicine. For example, adolescents are often treated together with infants and young children in the pediatric clinic, and young adults are treated together with older people in the adult clinic. The idea is for guides from the guide program to visit the young patients during their stay in hospital, establish contacts and create opportunities for regular exchange during outpatient therapy and aftercare via a café and exercise programs. The concert raised around €16,000. Further donations will be needed to continue and expand the donation-funded program in the coming years.

On behalf of the NCT/UCC and Stiftung Hochschulmedizin, we would like to thank you for supporting of the project:

Stiftung Hochschulmedizin Dresden
Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
Account 221 045 740
BLZ 850 503 00
IBAN DE27 8505 0300 0221 0457 40
Purpose: „Lotsendienst“

Many thanks also to our sponsors and supporters