Result 2022

The rain had disappeared on time as 225 runners took their starting positions for the NCT/UCC charity run in the Grand Garden on Friday, July 1. From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., participants could run or walk round a circuit of almost two kilometers - from the Torwirtschaft restaurant, around the palace and back. A total distance of 1,700 km was covered. In the end, the team from ZWP came out on top with 60 laps (the NCT/UCC team ran without competing). Cancer patients and numerous families took part, as well as amateur runners.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Kirsten Lassig

Physiotherapy students from the Carus Academy led warm-ups and gave free massages. Special highlights were the performances by the local Luncatics Cheerleader society.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Kirsten Lassig

Participation in the charity run was free of charge. Runners were able to donate an amount of their choice for each lap they ran, raising around €10,500. The donations will benefit the Sports Therapy Center at the NCT/UCC, which provides cancer patients with individually tailored training.

(c) privat

We would like to thank all participants, our sponsors and supporters, and the numerous helpers, who included members of the NCT/UCC Patient Council.