Overview and registration


On September 3, 2024, from 4-6 pm, the sixth NCT/UCC charity run will take place in the Great Garden. Runners can start at 4 pm or at any time until 6 pm.

Everyone can take part - runners and walkers, patients and those affected, families with children. The race is a two-kilometer loop on the main avenue in the Great Garden. Start/finish is at the Palaisteich.


We do not charge a starting fee. Instead, we ask all participants to make a donation for each lap they run.

This year's run will again benefit oncology projects, including sports therapy for children at the National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC).

Registration - individually or as a team

Free registration

You can register for your run free of charge online or on September 3 from 3 pm at the Palaisteich in the Grand Garden. Runners can also join teams (minimum 2 participants) - the laps will then be counted as a team score. At the end, we will award a prize to the team with the most kilometers run. So it is worth to form teams with many participants and to run together as many kilometers as possible.

Please note: The charity run is limited to 1.000 participants. 

A current team and participant overview can be found here.

Organizer: University Hospital Dresden

We thank our sponsors and supporters