Review 2019

A successful start: Around 470 runners participated in the first charity run organized by the National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC) in Dresden´s Waldpark on July 2 between 5 and 9 pm. Between them, individually or in teams, the participants covered more than 3,100 km together, raising over €10,000 for cancer research.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Ulrich Lippke

(c) TU Dresden/Stephan Wiegand

Olympic canoeing champion Tom Liebscher took part, and also presented the prize to the team with the most laps completed: Team OncoRay can look forward to a coffee with the top athlete. Betwen them, the 28 runners of the team covered 109 km together. Congratulations!

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Ulrich Lippke

Marc Huster was host, keeping the audience company during the event on this balmy summer evening, which included amazing acrobatic performances by the Lunatics Cheerleader society and free, relaxing massages by physiotherapy students from the Carus Academy.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Ulrich Lippke

Team results

List of teams

We would like to thank all participants who took part in the first charity run against cancer in the Waldpark!

Special thanks also goes to our supporters and sponsors, without whom this fantastic event would not have been possible.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Ulrich Lippke