Result 2023

It is with great pleasure and pride that we can announce a new donation and participation record: At the NCT/UCC charity run on September 26 in the Grand Garden, around 1,000 runners took to the starting line in beautiful weather and covered 8,654 kilometers. Over 40,000 euros were raised in donations. Many thanks for this overwhelming result!

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Michael Kretzschmar

From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., participants were able to run a two-kilometer loop between the Palais and Karcherallee. There was also a diverse side program with cheerleading, a puppet theater and the opportunity to get a massage or to be typed for a stem cell donation.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Michael Kretzschmar

Participation in the charity run was free of charge. Runners donated an amount of their choice for each lap they ran. The donations will be used to support the establishment of sports therapy for children with cancer and the sports therapy program for adult patients at Dresden University Hospital and the NCT/UCC. We continue to welcome donations for the sports therapy center or other patient-related projects.

(c) Uniklinikum Dresden/Michael Kretzschmar

The award for the team with the most laps completed went to Klotzsche High School, which was represented by 107 participants. Many congratulations!

This year's run was organized by the NCT/UCC in cooperation with Sonnenstrahl e. V., Schlösserland Sachsen and the Dresden University Medicine Foundation, and hosted by Dresden University Hospital. We would like to thank all participants, sponsors and supporters as well as the numerous helpers!