Review 2019

Charity concert 5/4/2019 (c) André Wirsig

Around €12,000 was raised at the "536 Takte gegen Krebs" charity concert (536 bars against cancer) on May 4 in the Annenkirche for the benefit of cancer research at the National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC). This was made possible above all by the great commitment of the Dresdner Kapellsolisten under the direction of Helmut Branny, who waived their fee completely. The musicians delighted the audience with a multi-faceted baroque program featuring a horn concerto, a bassoon concerto, Bach's Orchestral Suite in B Minor, and "Spring" and "Summer" from Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons."
461 bars of Vivaldi were sold. The orchestra then played the missing 75 bars as an encore.
MDR presenter Anja Koebel hosted the event. Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, Saxon State Minister for Science and Art, was the patron of the event.
The proceeds from the concert will be used to fund an additional floor of the new NCT/UCC building. It will house an ONCO-INNOVATION-LAB, where new strategies and technologies against cancer will be developed and the way paved for their clinical application.

The concert idea

Cancer disruptsthe steady rhythm of life for patients and their families - like a dramatic pause in a piece of music. This is exactly what can happen at the "Takte gegen Krebs" charity concerts.

This is because concertgoers purchase bars of the music being played instead of normal tickets. Only the bars that have been sold will be played.

The concert concept was developed at NCT Heidelberg and earned it the German Fundraising Prize.