Result 2021

5,963 km for a good cause! During the NCT/UCC charity run from May 29to June 6, a total of 521 participants took the opportunity to run at any location, or along three recommended routes in Dresden.  Olympic canoeing champion Tom Liebscher also took part in aid of good cause.

The proceeds of a over €12,000 will benefit a sun protection program for chidren´s daycare center, which was developed at the NCT/UCC. All information on the sun protection program is available at
The winner of the teams ranking is the women's team from SG Gebergrund Goppeln, who ran 639 km, followed by Liofit (601 km) and the Laufmäusen from Meusegast (517 km). All teaam results can be found here

Congratulations and many thanks to all participants, donors, supporters and sponsors!

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Tom Liebscher (c) agentursenderundempfänger

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